GetBUF Challenge

Get ready to elevate your mind, body, and spirit with the GetBUF Challenge! This semester-long adventure invites all BUF students, faculty, and staff to embrace a holistic approach to wellness. Join the fun, earn points, and celebrate as we build a stronger, healthier community.

GetBUF Challenge Teams

Boost Your Well-Being

Engage in activities that nurture your spiritual, mental, and physical health. Discover new ways to thrive in all areas of life.

Foster Community

Connect with fellow students, faculty, and staff outside of the classroom. Build lasting friendships and strengthen the bonds that make BUF special.

Friendly Competition

Join one of three teams and earn points for participating in events. Celebrate your victories and embrace the spirit of friendly competition.

Earn Points For Your Team

Log your activities and track your team's progress. Every step counts towards a healthier you and a stronger BUF community.

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

GetBUF Point System

The following point system will be used to score teams for the GetBUF Challenge:

  • Spiritual Wellness:
    • Prayer Night (25 points)
    • Coffee Hour (15 points)
    • Mission Trip (50-100 points)
    • Service Project / Community Service (25 points)
    • Church Event (10-15 points)
  • Social/Emotional Wellness:
    • Attend a Wellness Event (25 points)
    • Attend an Open Gym (15 points)
  • Physical Wellness:
    • Intramural Season (50 points)
    • 5K/10K/Running Event (50-100 points)
    • BUF Olympics (25 points)
    • Intramural Tournament (20 points)
    • Fitness Class (20 points)
    • 10K steps a day (10 points)
    • Daily Workout - 15+ minutes (10 points)
    • Bike/Walk/Run to work (5 points)
    • Drink 48 oz. of water daily (5 points)

Other points can be awarded at the discretion of the Student Life and Athletics Offices

Athletics Point of Contact:

Nathaniel Hughes

Athletics Director

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